Indiana Jones is a series of films and an American franchise created by George Lucas. The movies follow the adventures of professor of archaeology Dr. Henry Walton "Indiana" Jones, Jr., played by...
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Beyoncé (real name: Beyoncé Giselle Knowles-Carter) is an American singer, songwriter, and actress. She is considered as one of the most successful singers and performers today, and in this article...
Goodfellas is an American biographical crime film from the year 1990, written by Martin Scorsese and Nicholas Pileggi, and directed by Martin Scorsese. In this article, we share with you the best and...
The Silence of the Lambs is an American psychological horror movie from 1991. It was written by Ted Tally and directed by Johnathan Demme, and in this article, we are sharing with you the best and...
Braveheart is an American epic historical drama film from the year 1995 that was directed by Mel Gibson. In this article, we share with you the best and most memorable Braveheart quotes. The movie...
Alexander III of Macedon, also known as Alexander the Great, was born on July 20, 356 B.C in Pella, in the Ancient Greek kingdom of Macedonia, and during his time of reign (336 to 323 B.C.), he...